Featured Stories

A Real-Life Snow White

We are all familiar with the classic story tale, but have you ever actually met someone who all animals just seem to naturally migrate too? Meet Lisa Eason.

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How to Save Money on Bird Seed Using a Wingscapes AutoFeeder

So you’ve decided to try backyard birding. Great! Birding is a fun hobby, with many benefits. It’s educational, therapeutic, entertaining, and an environmentally friendly way to conserve birds in your own yard.

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Birds to watch for this summer

The temperature outside continues to rise and summer is right around the corner! Unfortunately for bird watching enthusiasts, the increased availability of natural food sources may result in less visitors to your feeder, but don’t despair!

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Bird on a Wingscapes Auto Birdfeeder

Setting up your first bird feeder

So you’ve just purchased your first bird feeder, and you just can’t wait to get it set up and start watching for your first visitors! This can be very exciting, but don’t rush into it just yet,

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